In this week's round-up of the Top Five Tweets of the Week, Talib Kweli gives advice on dealing with people from Texas, Mariah Carey finds it hard to give Twitter her full attention, Wiz Khalifa encourages his followers to get excited about his new album, Estelle turns down Auto-Tune and Tyrese reveals his busy work schedule.
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1. @RealTalibKweli (Talib Kweli): When u have a relationship with someone from Texas, King of the Hill really helps u gain perspective #itelluwhut
2. @MariahCarey (Mariah Carey): The thing about tweeting is, love it, but if U don't STAY on it 24/7& U try & w/b to a tweet from 20 min. ago it be a "C.A.T.M"!...How can one be in the vocal booth singing while tweeting constantly?! It doesn't work Dahhlings! Doesn't WORK Dearest hearts!!!
3. @EstelleDarling (Estelle): #randomtht so yesterday I was asked if I wanted autotune, before I started the (studio) session and told loads of folks request it regardless....Struck me as 'wtf??' Really that's what it is now? No one sings w their real voice anymore???...The question was asked apparently because that's the status quo in studios now...like for real.
4. @RealWizKhalifa (Wiz Khalifa): Just got randomly excited about my album. U shld twist up and do the same...
5. @Tyrese (Tyrese Gibson): TRUTH: I'm working on Transformers 3 & Fast & Furious 5 at the same time! A new album, 2 books, I'm a Great Father, & a K-Town Reality Show!
Top Five Tweets of the Week